Picture of Selena Sanford

Selena Nichole Sanford was born on September 25, 2003. She is the daughter of Adam and Lori Myers and the late Christina Sanford. She has 2 siblings, Travis and Wyatt Cureton. Selena is involved in Beta, FBLA, and Pep club. Selena also participates in volleyball, basketball, and softball. Her favorite teachers are Mrs. Johnson and Ms. Braswell. Blue is her favorite color, and Mexican is her favorite food. 

When Selena was younger she wanted to be a criminal defense lawyer, “I wanted to be just like Atticus Finch in To Kill a Mockingbird because I loved to argue.” She now plans to attend college to become a nurse practitioner. Her favorite high school memory is participating in the homecoming dance competition every year. Selena's most embarrassing memory is having a hole in her pants and not realizing it was there until the day was over with. The thing she will miss most about high school is seeing her peers and teachers, and participating in spirit week. When asked her thoughts about graduating, Selena says, “I am excited and nervous to see what the future holds for me but very sad that I am going to be leaving high school behind.” Her advice to underclassmen is, “Make new friends when you come into high school and do not take these 4 years for granted because it will go by extremely fast and you are going to miss it.” 

Her biggest accomplishment is balancing school work, sports activities, and a part-time job while maintaining a high-grade point average throughout high school. The person who has had the greatest influence on her is her parents, “They have shown me that I can do anything if I work hard enough. I would not be the person I am without them and I am forever grateful that I have built in best friends for life that I will be able to count on no matter what.”

            Selena would like to give a shoutout to her Mom, Dad, Grandma Carol Craft, Uncle Bucky, Uncle Chris Masters, Aunt Pam Masters, Lilley Long, Celesse Englehart, and the rest of her family.