Picture of Alexis Cook

Alexis Renee Cook was born July 23, 2004. She is the daughter of Todd and Jennifer Cook. Her siblings are Derek, Kyle, Logan, and Raeleigh Cook. Alexis is involved in Pep Club, FFA, Track & Field, and softball. Her favorite teachers are Mrs. Johnson and Mr. Boyer. Purple is her favorite color and hibachi is her favorite food.

 When Alexis was younger, she wanted to be a police officer. Now she plans to go to cosmetology school after she graduates. Her favorite high school memory was when she got the letter saying she made it in Beta, “I worked so hard for that letter.” She remembers her most embarrassing memory was when her truck always died her junior year and the boys had to jump it. The thing she will miss most about high school is Mr. Elfrink’s life lectures to her and getting on Mr. Ridings nerves. When asked her thoughts about graduating she said, “I’m ready to get out of here and see what the future holds.” Her advice to her underclassmen, “don’t change yourself to fit in with others, be yourself, always, and if they don’t like you for that then they’re not your friends.” Her biggest accomplishment is, making it this far. The person who had the greatest influence on her life was her Mawmaw Teresa, “she was the sweetest lady I’ve ever met and she was always there for anyone no matter what and I hope to be half the lady she was one day.”

 Alexis would like to give her shoutout to “Brittany Moyers & Rylee Stiltner, my Mom, Emilee Rouggly, Madison Wuebker and most importantly my Mamaw Teresa.”