Picture of Denyce Harper

Denyce Harper was born on July 29th, 2004. She is the daughter of BJ and Laura Harper. She has 5 siblings: Brandon, Karin, Paige-Lee, Isabel, and Zaiden. Denyce is involved in FFA, FBLA, FCCLA, Beta, and Library Club. She is also participating in cross country, cheerleading, and track. Her favorite teacher is Mrs. Stegeman. Purple is her favorite color and her favorite food is Mexican. When Denyce was younger she wanted to be a veterinarian. When she graduates, she plans to go straight into the workforce. Her favorite high school memory is when the school was in phase 3 for Covid. Denyce’s most embarrassing memory is passing out right outside of Mr. Elfrinks room. The thing she will miss most about high school is her sports teams, “they are always there and we always support each other.” She will also miss certain teachers who got her through high school. When asked about her thoughts about graduating Denyce says she is ready to leave high school. Her advice to underclassmen is, “what other people think really does not matter, do your own thing and have fun, seriously.” Her biggest accomplishment is going outside her comfort zone and trying new sports like track and cross country. The person that has had the greatest influence on her is Mr. Elfrink and Mrs. Stegeman, “Mr. Elfrink told me sophomore year that he will do whatever it takes to get me through high school, and he did that. Mrs. Stegeman also did a lot for me, they both showed me that I can do anything if I put my mind to it.”

Denyce would like to give a shoutout to, Mr. Ridings, Mr. Elfrink, Mrs. Stegeman, Mrs. Gray, Mom and Dad, Bailey Wilson, Aunt Tomisine and Family, and Grandma Margie.