Picture of Chazidy Quintana

Chazidy Rayne Quintana was born on February 19, 2006. Her parent is Javier Quintana. She has 6 siblings: Gabby, Tristen, Justice, Ty, Brodie, and Lane. Her favorite teacher is Mrs. Layton because she has taught her some of the most valuable lessons about life. Chazidy’s favorite staff quote is “Rule #1 don’t make it weird.” When asked to describe herself in three words she said genuine, determined, and companionable. If she could travel anywhere in the world, she would travel to anywhere that has mountains and pretty views.

Chazidy’s favorite school memory is weenie Wednesdays, where they roast hotdogs, in Mr. Boyers advisory. When Chazidy was younger she wanted to be a teacher, but she now plans to attend MAC and get her associate degree and then attend Southeast Health college to study in the ultrasound program. Chazidy is involved in pep club and cheer. Her advice to underclassmen is “Don’t wish your high school years away, it will be over before you know it.’’ When asked how she feels about graduating she said, “I’m excited to start a new chapter of my life, but the realization that I am growing up makes me mourn my childhood that went by too fast.” The thing she will miss most about high school is seeing her friends and teachers five days a week. The person who has had the greatest influence on her life is her grandma because she is a great listener and always has the best advice. Chazidy feels her biggest accomplishment so far is maintaining good grades despite never studying.

SHOUTOUTS: Cameron, my dad, Stacey, Gabby, Maddie, Mallory, and my family.